The internet can be one of the most amusing places in the world. You simply log onto a site and BAM, entertainment at it's finest. Personally my favorite would be the "groups" on Facebook. You simply log on, find a group, and troll. Okay, okay, it's not THAT easy. You can't lack wit or intelligence to be deemed a "good troll". Althought the masses on Facebook are full on dip shit's, they believe themselves to be epically funny and "winning". The goal is to make someone mad. When in fact the person with this so called goal, is making themselves mad. Generally because they are incredibly illiterate, lacking of wit and pure genius. Hold your horses, I'll ge to the most exciting part soon, the examples. These self proclaimed "trolls" are so excited to get likes on their attempt at insulting someone. They push and push and try to push buttons. The mentality of these children (okay, so they may not all be children but they act like it, so that's what we are going with) is highly amusing. They mostly pick on the physical appearances of people. If you are skinny and blonde you are automatically deemed a "crack-whore". They will try to identify you by comparing you to a well-known famous person, and wont give up until they feel they have gotten their absolutely pointless point across. See what I did there? The most amazing part about it is that they will not only attack you on your own post, they will go out of their way to save photos of you and make posts tagging your name so that you can "defend yourself". In doing this they are only proving to the entirety of the group that they, themselves are in fact very mad.
Among the numerous fake profiles trolling the internet there are, in fact, a few real accounts. Trolling with your actual real account is a big no-no. People will block you, ban you, and in extreme rage cases report you to Facebook. Which in a real trolls eyes would be considered winning, because they have gotten to someone so much. Along with the fake names goes fake photos. If you are suspected a fake they will simply rage caps "FAKE" on your post. The simple fact that these people take Facebook opinions so seriously is sad. The fact that people care so much wether a person is real or fake is even more pathetic. There are woman of many ages seeking validation from a group of people via the internet. The moment she is told she is ugly or someone says something negative she turns in to the worlds biggest troll. Attacking and calling even the most attractive of people ugly and a bitch. In even more extreme cases they will put their photo next to yours (called a versus) and ask the group who is more attractive. Then things start to get interesting. They will tag their friends in the posts for backup. Everyone logged in then feels the need to put in their un-needed and non cared about two cents. This can go on for hours and even days. The best part is when the person that put up the versus doesn't get the response they wanted, so they put up yet another one. As if the other 800 previous shitty photos they posted make them look more attractive. The internet is the LAST place you should be looking for compliments. You will be more insulted and put down than any other place on the planet.
Now to the part where you kill massive amounts of brain cells. The lingo of the dim witted fools on the internet is hard to understand if you have more than 6 working brain cells. They type "lyk dis" and add a bunch of punctuation where it doesn't need to be, or just lack punctuation in general. I don't know if they are just that uneducated, unintelligent, or just plain stupid. They believe talking like English is their eighth language gets their point across better. If you reply with propper grammar and punctuation they freak out, saying "why you mad?". Apparently if you are intelligent and witty you are mad. Logical. Also, if you don't reply with something you have said numerous times before then you are mad. Although it is highly amusing to make these children feel like idiots, I sometimes feel bad, because they don't understand what I am trying to say. Wait, I don't feel bad for them, I feel bad for myself because my extremly funny remarks, wit, and genius was wasted on someone less intelligent than the crap I just took.
Another incredibly amusing issue you come across in these groups is the effect that the looks of one person has on another. Let's say you put up a photo of yourself that you believe is good. People may not agree with you that you be looking fly as shit and what not. So they hate on your picture saying that you are ugly or look like a duck etc. Then you throw up another photo of yourself that is even more fly and then you have the people who were hating on you either calling you a fake or that you look good. It's amazing that people with such low self-esteem can call you ugly one minute and gorgeous the next. I have a feeling it may be because you trolled them so well, that they are in fact super embarassed and no longer want to be on your bad side. When will people learn, DON'T FEED THE TROLLS. I've gotten numerous messages from a girl I trolled so bad. Saying what can she do to make me stop, she will do anything. So I simply tell her, admit that I upset you and made you cry, then send me a picture of yourself in tears. She quickly agrees that I upset her and made her cry, but will not send me a photo. So do you think a good troll stops harassing her? Of course not, I preceed to give the girl a lashing like Toby aka Koonta Kinetay got in roots. She then e-mails me again calling me every name in the book. So what do I do, you ask. I screen shot the conversation and post it in the room. Which she then replies again that she will do anything to make me stop. This girl never learned her lesson. Did I fail to mention that she came at me first? I'm not a mean hearted, evil person, but if I have the opportunity to make someone feel that little, then I take that opportunity by all means possible. It shows that the psyche of a person is very complicated. Most people will do anything, by any means necessary to feel accepted. What these people fail to realize is that this is a game to me. I'ts like they are my mice and I am the scientist.
Good trolls always take the topic of the thread and completly negate it until it's totally off subject, and then the poster is in fact, mad.
Friday, January 6, 2012
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